The calendar is basically a collection of events.
A calendar can be represented as a .ical
Adding eventsEvents can be either added via the named constructor:
use Eluceo\iCal\Domain\Entity\Calendar;use Eluceo\iCal\Domain\Entity\Event;
$events = [ new Event(), new Event(),];
$calendar = new Calendar($events);
or calling the addEvent
use Eluceo\iCal\Domain\Entity\Calendar;use Eluceo\iCal\Domain\Entity\Event;
$calendar = new Calendar();$calendar ->addEvent(new Event()) ->addEvent(new Event());
or providing a generator, that creates events:
use Eluceo\iCal\Domain\Entity\Calendar;use Eluceo\iCal\Domain\Entity\Event;
$eventGenerator = function(): Generator { yield new Event(); yield new Event();};
$calendar = new Calendar($eventGenerator());
Adding time zonesWhen working with local times, time zone definitions should be added:
use Eluceo\iCal\Domain\Entity\Calendar;use Eluceo\iCal\Domain\Entity\TimeZone;use DateTimeZone as PhpDateTimeZone;
$calendar = new Calendar();$calendar ->addTimeZone(TimeZone::createFromPhpDateTimeZone(new PhpDateTimeZone('Europe/Berlin'))) ->addTimeZone(TimeZone::createFromPhpDateTimeZone(new PhpDateTimeZone('Europe/London')));